Wednesday, January 23, 2013


By:  Randy Gillis

As I was drying my tears following the 30th episode of I SHOULDN'T BE ALIVE, something kept nagging at me.  Homophobia (yes, I will continue to use the word until they come up with a better one) is a great plague upon mankind. 

When the survival situation progresses to include extreme cold (as they invariably do) some of the male survivors would, during their interview, describe the moment that apparently haunts every straight man alive.  The moment when snuggling becomes inescapable from (and only slightly preferable to), their current situation.

I listened as some of the men would feel the need to drive home the fact the it was basically snuggle or die.  There was no other way to survive (and by god they tried everything).


I watched a truck load of hunters trapped in the back of a truck, in the middle of a blizzard, shivering with at least 6 inches of space between them.  The last time I was in the back of a truck with a group of guys, in the middle of a blizzard, we had to roll the windows down it got so hot....but that's another story.

Has homo-paranoia really gotten to the point that the only way men can touch anymore is through an act of violence, a team sport, or clinging to life on a raft in the middle of the Arctic ocean?

Are men afraid that gay sex needs just half a reason to happen and that a cold desert night with no food and severe dehydration, surrounded by wolves, with no fire-making abilities....would be more than reason enough?  Do men think that if their lips penetrate that territorial bubble that french kissing is an inevitability?

Are men secretly terrified of having a 'Brokeback Moment'?

Well, fellas, let me put all those fears to rest.  I snuggle with Patricia all the time.  Snuggling is AWESOME, I don't care who you snuggle with.  In all our logged snuggle hours, we never once crossed that line.  Ever.  Period.  Because we sexually disgust each other, and because snuggling and sex are different animals (both pretty darn awesome and ideally can occur on the same encounter, but different).

 Maybe for straight guys snuggling in a survival situation is a bit awkward with someone you don't know very well, but consider this; since it's difficult to hate a stranger ( I know that's not really true, but for the sake of argument...), I would suggest less talk, and just dive right in.  Wow, I think I just unraveled the mystery of the 70's. 

So what's the worst that can happen?  In all the survival situations involving narrow, ice-covered cliff edges, unexpected gale-force winds, one sleeping bag, and no hope for rescue that I've been in (and there have been dozens), only a small percentage (82-83% tops) ended with maybe a quick handy.

And what's wrong with that?

Just remember the number one rule of survival.  When you find yourself  on the summit of Mt. Everest with hurricane winds, no oxygen and in the grips of cerebral edema and you turn and see me smiling....what happens in the 'death zone' stays in the 'death zone'. 



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