By: Randy Gillis
Hi believers! And by 'believer' I mean believers of all stripes. I don't want anyone to think I'm picking on a specific group. Anyway, there is change in the air! I just read a quote by one of your leaders (see below).
I have to admit, he may be on to something. Of course he is being a bit of a screamer, I mean "More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history," is a bit of a stretch if you ask me (or Native-Americans, or African-Americans, or women, or.......), and to be perfectly honest, the Phelps clan over at Westboro Baptist Church (your brothers and sisters in arms) have done far more damage to you than we homos could ever hope to achieve. All that aside, I think he has a more concrete reason to be worried. After all, according to The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, one-in-five adults have no religious affiliation.
The writing is on the wall and, barring a totally earth ass-kicking asteroid, a freshly mutated virus, global financial collapse resulting in a zombie apocalypse, or some other example of the earth's insistence on following its own path (one that obviously doesn't include us),....or god's holy wrath (whichever you prefer), it looks like your time in the sun is drawing to a close. I feel like the only humane thing to do is offer you some advice as someone who has been where you are going. Say goodbye to the daylight and hello to the underground.
As no one will be able to tell who you are by outward appearances, you will strive to blend in by utilizing self-censorship and by practicing a sturdy gait and a firm handshake. You will sit quietly or even join in as friends and family feel free to mock and ridicule believers with a combination of revulsion and disgust.
You will need meeting places for people who share your yearnings, something less conspicuous and only slightly more garish than what you have now. I would suggest something small, located in a back alley of the meat packing district in any major city, preferably run by some kind of organized crime syndicate to help keep the law off your back. There, you will be able to pray openly so long as there's a man by the light switch to warn you when the cops arrive.
And after all the bloody battles and step-by-step victories, who knows, you may even enjoy a brief time in the sun again....before you start splintering off into bickering, back-stabbing factions that eventually fracture into violent schisms that......ah shit, who am I kidding. Where's that asteroid?