By: Randy Gillis
I walked into the kitchen carrying a 55-gallon hefty extra-heavy duty trash bag full of our weekly laundry (because that's how we roll around here) and I see Patricia sitting at the counter with ‘Thank You’ cards. “Who are you thanking, and what are you
thanking them for?” I asked. “I’m
sending one to Pope Francis and one to Lucien Greaves of The Satanic Temple,”
she replied.
One of the reasons that Patricia and I have been
together for so long is that she is always able to say something that makes my
left eyebrow go up, and I love that. I
love it even more now, as I watch North Carolina plummet off of all of the good
lists and sky-rocket up all of the bad lists as the dookie-heads in Raleigh
keep spreading their dookie, led by Pat ‘I’m basking in the attention, North
Carolinians be damned’ McCrory. Well, at
least I had a year to get used to it (remember Amendment One?). So when Patricia offers me something like
this, it almost makes the shame bearable.

Secondly, I always thought the Mormons were evil bitches for doing this kind of thing, but it seems so very, very right when Satanists have a go at it. And lastly, any sex that produces a Fred Phelps would be, I would think, lesbian-producing as a consequence, all by itself.
Patricia went on to explain her plan of performing Pink Masses over the graves of the relatives of people our ‘clients’ don’t like, turning them gay, and then something about karma. “Isn’t that homophobic,” I asked. “Only to them,” she smiled. I had my doubts and Patricia obviously saw them on my face. “Look,” she stressed, “haven’t you ever thought about turning a straight person gay?” I looked off dreamily as the theme from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK played in my head. “Fair point,” I conceded.

I thought about it some more and finally decided that, what-the- heck, it couldn’t hurt, and besides, the spirit world can always use more gay. I asked her what we should charge for this service and I’m still not sure how she came up with an estimated retail price of $37.50. It had something to do with volume and the skyrocketing cost of camping equipment.
1. What
exactly is a “Pink Mass”?
2. Is
there a certification process?
3. Do
we need classes or is it more of a ‘calling’?
4. What
about insurance?
5. Can
this be done without using chickens?
6. What
if their relative was already gay? Will
that rip a hole though time and will it hurt?
7. Is
‘Posthumous Gay Done The Right Way’ too cheesy for the brochure?
8. Can
we call ourselves priests and can I wear a collar?
9. Does
gay sex on a gravestone count as desecration?
If not, what else will be needed?
10. How
heavy a hand will Satan have in this?
11. Does
vomit have to be involved?
12. What
if I get dizzy?
13. Can
we act as independent contractors or does The Satanic Temple hold the patent?
As I was studying these questions, Patricia said
something that changed everything. “What
if,” she speculated, “that by changing a living person’s ancestor’s sexual
orientation, the living person’s sexual orientation could be altered and what
if that was enough to alter everything else?
What if they became someone totally different? What if a few of North Carolina’s legislators
could suddenly see the cruelty behind their political jockeying with the help
of freshly gayified ancestors from beyond?”
I stood up and bolted for my office. I sat down and Googled as fast as I could. Patricia was right behind me. “What are you doing,” she asked. “Be quiet,” I pleaded. “I’m trying to track down Harrison Ford’s family cemetery.”